Wednesday, June 26, 2024



Why giving AI ‘human ethics’ is probably a terrible idea

If you want artificial intelligence to have human ethics, you have to teach it to evolve ethics the way we do. At least...

BCIs had a big year in the lab. In 2022, they’re coming to the market

Brain-computer interfaces are slowly moving toward the mainstream. After a series of scientific successes, neurotechnology companies are beginning to commercialize their research.Among them...

Scientists claim they’ve quantum entangled a tardigrade

An international team of researchers claims to have performed the first experiment successfully "quantum involvement" of a multicellular organism.The team, whose research was recently...

Delusional Elon Musk claims Tesla Robot will be ‘like C3PO or R2D2’

Elon Musk made some wildly bold claims about Lex Fridman's podcast yesterday. Although he is certainly no stranger to sensationalism, it is clear...

TNW’s best quantum computing and physics stories from 2021

2021 will be remembered for many things, but when all is said and done, we think it will later be called the year when...

The most mind-blowing Neural stories of 2021

When it comes to the world of technology, there is no shortage of interesting, insightful and important stories out there. And our reporters...

Neural’s AI predictions for 2022

Welcome to the fifth annual "Neural's AI Predictions" article! That makes this one of the longest series in the history of Neural. ...

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