Monday, July 1, 2024


Thomas Macaulay


Melania Trump has convinced me that NFTs are not a scam

Melania Trump launched her first public effort since her glorious reign as first lady was tragically limited.While her predecessors ran for president, founded charities,...

What NASA hopes to discover from spacecraft that ‘touched’ the sun

In a historic milestone, a spaceship "touched" the sun for the first time.NASA's probe did not hit the surface of the giant star, but...

Yes, people are awful, but algorithms make them worse

Meta's incoming CTO, Andrew "Boz" Bosworth, is doing quite the job. Such a splash you make with a cannonball into your pool, soaking...

‘Slaughterbots’ are a step away from your neighborhood. We need a ban

If you care about murderous robots in the army, be prepared for their arrival in civilian hands.AI weapons will soon spread from battlefields to...

Why the internet is freaking out about a robot’s facial expressions

Another very similar robot strikes horror into people's hearts.Named Ameca, the android can deliver an impressive range of facial gestures - and people are...

How on Earth is Elon Musk’s SpaceX facing bankruptcy?

The richest man in the world is worried about money. Elon Musk, whose net worth is valued at $ 310 billion, says his...

Samsung says it can remotely brick any of its TVs

Samsung has unveiled a new way to combat TV theft: a system that can remotely control the company’s TVs.The company says the technology was...

Why emotion recognition AI can’t reveal how we feel

The increasing use of emotional recognition AI is causing alarm among ethicists. They warn that the te technique is prone to racial prejudice,...

This AI turns your photos into paintings while you watch

I sometimes fantasize about hanging a huge painted portrait of you really on my bedroom wall. Visitors would be forced to kneel in...

AI analysis of prison phone calls may amplify racially-biased policing

Prisoners across the United States could soon be subject to a high risk of automatic surveillance.A congressional committee is urging the Justice Department to...

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