Thursday, June 27, 2024

Android rebrands mobile security measures under one umbrella

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Android’s security brand has never been particularly strong, but a new initiative by the company seems to be changing that by putting all branches of Android security under one umbrella. Posted to the official Android YouTube channel today, titled video Protected by Android introduces the new brand of the same name.

To be blunt: It’s not much yet. Protected by Android is just a phrase that the company seems to use as everything for its security measures. The phrase appears as the title of the video and in the email address at the end that advertises protectedbyandroid.comlink to the “Security” tab of the official Android website.

Although the video does not present new security measures that Google will take with its operating system, it shows a few different security features that Android already provides as a nice reminder of what the OS is already doing for its users. The video features Play Protect, a way to control apps and keep harmful malware out of the Play Store, Android’s security update reminders, and its privacy notifications that ask users what information they want each individual app to have access to and when.

As mentioned above, Protected by Android introduces nothing new, but instead brings together the security features of Android under one brand. Now that it has been introduced, it seems likely that the brand along with its green trademark shield logo will appear common in all future Android software updates.

It’s kind of weird that the brand wasn’t unveiled at last week’s Google I / O along with other Android software updates. That being said, seeing as there is no other new security information with it, the brand announcement may not be appropriate alongside the other important announcements made at the event.

Time will tell what else Google has planned for Android Protected, but it’s certainly nice to have some level of brand uniformity for Android security ahead.

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