Friday, June 28, 2024

It’s terrifyingly easy for reporters to exploit Google’s News algorithms

Must read

I’ve spent the last eight months turning to Google News on my personal playground. I manipulated the algorithm and published my stories whether they were related to specific topics or not. This is a big problem.

I’m a regular reporter – a writer. I have no programming skills or formal computer education.

Google is arguably the most technologically advanced AI company in Silicon Valley. It also happens to be worth more than two trillion dollars.

Google News reaches nearly 300 million users. And I was able to play its algorithms by changing one word on a web page. Scary isn’t it?

We have “reinforcing learning” (RL) to thank for this particular nightmare.

Stupid in, stupid out

As Thomas Macaulay of Neural recently wrote:

[The reinforcement learning] technique provides feedback in the form of a “reward” – a positive number that tells an algorithm that the action it has just performed will serve its purpose.

Sounds pretty simple. It’s an idea that works with kids (you can go outside and play after you’ve finished your homework) and animals (doggo does a trick, doggo gets a treat).

Let’s use Netflix as an example. If you look The Karate Childthere is a pretty good chance that the algorithm will recommend Cobra Kai. And if 10 million people are watching The Tiger Kingthere’s a pretty good chance you’ll get a recommendation on it whether you’ve watched related titles or not.

Even if you never take one of the suggestions of the algorithm, it will still show results because it has no choice.

The AI ​​is designed to seek rewards, and it can only be rewarded if it makes a recommendation.

And that is something we can take advantage of.

The data that feeds Netflix’s algorithms comes from its users. We are directly responsible for what the algorithm recommends. Thus, hypothetically speaking, it would be trivial to exploit Netflix’s recommendation system.

If, for example, you want to increase the total number of recommendations that specific content has received from the algorithm, all you have to do is sign up for X number of Netflix accounts and watch that content until the algorithm is selected. up along the traffic where X is whatever it takes to move the needle.

Obviously it’s a little more complicated than that. And there are safeguards that Netflix can implement to mitigate these threats, such as weighting higher data for older accounts and limiting the influence of those who do not meet a minimum viewing threshold.

At the end of the day, this is not a major issue for Netflix because all content on the platform must be explicitly approved. Unlike Google News, Netflix does not source content from the Internet.

It’s the same with Spotify. We could sign up for 10 million free accounts, but that will last forever and we would still only raise flows for an artist who has already been taken care of on the people platform.

But the Google News algorithm is different. Not only does it source content from the internet and aggregate it in terms of popularity, it also sources important data points from journalists like me.

How I took advantage of Google’s News Algorithms to showcase my own content

Last June, I wrote about the strange impact my TNW author profile had on the stories that Google News appeared for the search engine “artificial intelligence strange.”

As one of the few curious editors in the world in charge of the AI ​​section at a major news outlet, the intersection of artificial intelligence and diversity issues is a place of great interest to me.

Topics on AI and LGBTQ + were also a popular combination for technical reporters to cover at the time because June is Pride month.

I was shocked to discover that a disproportionate number of articles I wrote appeared in the search results.