Friday, June 28, 2024

Workplace AI will get hella boring before it becomes life-changing

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This article is part of our series that explores the artificial intelligence business.

Digital technologies, and at the forefront of their artificial intelligence, are driving fundamental changes in society, politics, education, economics and other fundamental aspects of life. These changes provide opportunities for unprecedented growth across different sectors of the economy. But at the same time, they bring with them challenges that organizations must overcome before they can reach their full potential.

In a recent speech at an online conference hosted by Stanford Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI), Stanford Professor Erik Brynjolfsson discussed some of these opportunities and challenges.

Brynjolfsson, who heads Stanford’s Digital Economics Laboratory, believes that in the next decade, the use of artificial intelligence will be much more widespread than it is today. But its adoption will also face a period of pause, also known as the J-curve.

“There’s a growing gap between what technology is capable of and what it’s already doing, as opposed to how we respond to it,” says Brynjolfsson. “And there lie many of our society’s greatest challenges and problems and some of our greatest opportunities.”

Machine learning and higher productivity

According to Brynjolfsson, the next decade will see significantly higher productivity thanks to a wave of powerful technologies — especially machine learning– which find their way into every computer device and application.

Progress in computer vision were huge, especially in places such as image recognition and medical imaging. Talking to phones, watches and smart speakers has become commonplace thanks to advances in natural language processing and speech recognition. Product recommendation advertising placementinsurance signing, loan approval, and many other applications have benefited greatly from advances in machine learning.

In many places, machine learning reduces costs and accelerates production. For example, the application of large language models in programming can help developers become much more productive and achieve more in less time.

In other areas, machine learning can help create applications that did not previously exist. For example, generic deep learning models create new applications for arts, music, and other creative work. In areas such as online shopping, advances in machine learning can be created major changes in business modelssuch as moving from “shopping-then-shipping” to “shipping-then-buying.”

The confinements and urgency caused by the covid-19 pandemic have accelerated the adoption of these technologies in different sectors, including remote tools, robotic process automation, powered drug research, and factory automation.

“The pandemic has been terrible in many ways, but another thing it has done is that it has accelerated the digitalization of the economy, compressing in about 20 weeks what would have taken perhaps 20 years of digitization,” Brynjolfsson says. “We have all invested in technologies that enable us to adapt to a more digital world. We will not stay as far away as we are now, but we will not return all the way. And that increased digitization of business processes and capabilities is squeezing the deadline for us to adopt these new ways of working and ultimately lead to higher productivity. “

The J-curve

modern factory building and wireless communication network

The productivity potential of machine learning technologies has one big caveat.

“Historically, when these new technologies become available, they do not immediately translate into productivity. There is often a period where productivity is declining, where there is a break, ”says Brynjolfsson. “And the reason this break is is that you have to reinvent your organizations, you have to develop new business processes.”

Brynjolfsson calls this the “Productivity J-Curve” and documented it in a paper published in the American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics. Basically, the great potential caused by new general-purpose technologies such as the steam engine, electricity, and more recently machine learning requires fundamental changes in business processes and workflows, the co-invention of new products and business models, and investment in human capital.

These investments and changes often last for several years, and during this period they do not give perceptible results. During this phase, the companies create “intangible assets,” according to Brynjolfsson. For example, they may be training and retraining their workforce to use these new technologies. They may be restructuring their factories or instrumenting them with new sensor technologies to take advantage of machine learning models. They may need to upgrade their data infrastructure and create data lakes on which they can train and operate ML models.

These efforts may cost millions of dollars (or billions in the case of large corporations) and will not make a difference in the company’s production in the short term. At first glance, it seems that costs increase without any return on investment. When these changes reach their turning point, they result in a sudden increase in productivity.

AI J curve

AI J curve