Sunday, June 30, 2024

Ethereum inventor wants to replace pregnant women with synthetic wombs

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Cryptic siblings never tire of sharing their utopian visions, but their great brain ideas are not always accepted by the professionals.

Vitalik Buterin, the co-founder and inventor of Ethereum, has become the latest victim of this arrogance.

The 27-year-old presented a bold solution to the gender pay gap: synthetic uterus.

“Synthetic uterus would remove the high burden of pregnancy, significantly reducing the inequality,” he tweeted Tuesday.

The proposal gained the support of several technical brothers – but attracted the wrath of feminists.

They argued that biological pregnancy is not the main barrier to gender equality. Instead, they pointed to the high costs of early childhood education, limited government support, and widespread sexism.

Some have pointed to the positive aspects of pregnancy – or suggested that Buterin is disconnected from reality.

Buterin’s technotopic solution appeared in a discussion initiated by the ultimate technical seer: the self-described “utopian anarchist,” Elon Musk.

The Tesla tycoon has expressed long-term concerns about population collapse:

We should be much more concerned about the collapse of the population … If there are not enough people for Earth, then there will certainly not be enough for Mars.

Synthetic wombs were supposed to provide Musk with the workers his sea colony demanded.

Moss and Buterin have several things in common. Both founded lion-owned companies, joined the club of billionaires and cultivated the image of brilliant polymers.

The duo are also able to laugh at themselves – in strangely self-increasing way somehow.

Buterin asked for the “most carefree” last week criticisms of him on Twitter. After 20 hours, he received more than 2,400 responses.

HT – Molly White

Thomas Macaulay

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